Dornier DO-31 Pesawat bersistem V/STOL Rancangan BJ.HABIBIE

Posted by Rustam Minggu, April 29, 2012, under , | No comments


Sesosok putra bangsa lahir di belahan Indonesia bagian tengah. Ialah Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, sesosok makhluk cerdas yang mengharumkan nama Indonesia karena penemuan-penemuannya dalam bidang penerbangan yang bermanfaat bagi dunia internasional.

Ane sendiri mengagumi sosok Pak Habibie sejak duduk di bangku SD, saat gelar Pak Habibie masih Prof. Dr. Ing. ane ga tahu apa yang membuat ane mengaguminya, sepertinya senyumannya yang meneduhkan dan kecerdasannya yang sangat menakjubkan.
Itulah Pak Habibie sosok yang sangat hebat dalam dunia penerbangan.
Berikut ini tentang prestasi beliau:
  1. B.J Habibie, adalah pemegang 46 paten dunia di bidang teknologi penerbangan. Maaf, belum tersaingi.
  2. Habibie adalah penemu krack Progression, yakni solusi untuk rambatan kerusakan konstruksi pada badan pesawat karena fatigue.
  3. Habibie adalah penemu Habibie Factor, penjelasan sederhananya adalah penurunan bobot pesawat hingga 25% dari bobot sebelumnya.
  4. Gelar Doctor Ingenieur Habibie didapat di Jerman pada 1965 dengan nilai sempurna (1,0), suma cum laude!
  5. Oleh Hamburger Flugzeugbau, Habibie dipercaya pecahkan problem akut kestabilan pesawat Fokker 28. Hanya 6 bulan, terpecahkan.
  6. Dornier DO-31, rancangan Habibie ke-1, pesawat transportasi pertama yang dapat take-off/landing vertikal.
  7. Rancangan pesawat Habibie pada DO31 kemudian dibeli oleh NASA. Ada sentuhan Habibie di NASA.
  8. Pada 1974, Habibie menjabat sebagai Vice President MBB, industri pesawat terbesar Jerman, orang non Jerman pertama yang menduduki posisi itu.
  9. Pesawat kreasi anak-anak bangsa yang dipimpin Habibie. N250, pesawat penumpang baling-baling tercanggih di jamannya.
  10. N250 adalah pesawat (baling-baling) penumpang pertama dengan teknologi 3 axis dan kontrol digital fly-by-wire.
  11. Apabila tak ada krisis moneter, pesawat N250 produksi RI akan mendominasi dunia penerbangan kategori turboprop, bukan ATR (Prancis).
  12. Pada 1992, Habibie dianugerahi Award von Karman, setingkat Nobel di dunia penerbangan.
  13. Rancangan pesawat Habibie selain N250 dan DO31 adalah Fokker F28, C-130, HansaJet 320, Airbus A300, CN235, Helikopter BO105.
  14. Habibie pernah rencana buat satelit luar angkasa. RI luncurkan satelit pada 17 Agustus 1976, negara ke-3 yang punya satelit, setelah AS & Kanada.
  15. Peluncuran Satelit Palapa pada 1976, jg membanggakan bagi banyak negara Asia. Peluncuran itu bahkan disampaikan di sekolah-sekolah di Asia Tenggara.
  16. IMF-lah yg membuat rencana-rencana visioner Habibie dan PT.DI menjadi berhenti, dan lemah. Posisi PTDI jauh di bawah Embraer (Brazil).

Prestasimu membanggakanku
Dornier DO-31

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31:

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31:

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31:

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31:

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31:

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31:

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31:

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31:

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31:

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31:

Spoiler for Dornier DO-31 Specification:

In the early 1960s, the Luftwaffe became increasingly concerned that their airfields were vulnerable to air attack from Eastern Bloc forces and actively researched the possibility of dispersed operations which included flying from Autobahnen but required aircraft with STOVL capabilities. Part of these trials involved Luftwaffe F-104 Starfighters being rocket launched from stationary ramps in what became known as the ZELL program. The Starfighters were to be recovered to short strips using aircraft carrier-type arresting gear. The Do 31 was intended to use the same strips as forward operating bases.[2]

When the high cost, technical and logistical difficulties were realised the Luftwaffe ceased trials involving VTOL aircraft such as the Do 31, VJ101 and the later VFW VAK 191B which resulted in the cancellation of these projects and further use of these aircraft was limited to research purposes only.

Initial designs incorporated a Bristol Pegasus[3] vectored-thrust turbofan in each of the two inboard nacelles and four Rolls-Royce RB162 lift engines in each of the outer nacelles. It was planned to dispense with the outer nacelles and their engines when larger RB153 turbofans (of approximately 5,000 lbf (22 kN) thrust) became available. By mounting the engines in pods, the fuselage could provide a capacious hold with a rear loading ramp.

In all, three test articles were built, these being E1, E2 and E3 - the "E" indicating Experimentell (Experimental). E1 was powered only by the Pegasus engines, and was designed to test horizontal flight. E2 was a static test airframe, and did not fly. E3 had both Pegasus and RB162 lift engines installed, and was designed to test the vertical flight mode. The first prototype (E1) first flew on 10 February 1967 with just the two Pegasus engines. The third prototype (E3) flew in July 1967 with all ten engines fitted. The first hovering flight took place on 22 November 1967. Full forward and backward transitions were made in December 1967.

The Do 31 established several Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) world records during its ferry flight to the 1969 Paris Air Show. It was the first, and so far only, vertical take-off jet transport ever built. The project was cancelled in April 1970, although it made its final public flight on 4 May 1970 during the ILA in Hanover. One of the factors that led to the cancellation was the large drag and weight of the lift engine pods which reduced the useful payload and range compared to conventional transport aircraft.
General characteristics

* Crew: 2
* Capacity: 36 troops or 24 casualty stretchers
* Length: 20.53 m (67 ft 4 in)
* Wingspan: 18 m (59 ft 3 in)
* Height: 8.53 m (28 ft)
* Wing area: 57 m² (613.56 ft²)
* Loaded weight: 22,453 kg (49,500 lb)
* Useful load: 3,500 kg (7,715 lb)
* Max takeoff weight: 27,422 kg (60,500 lb)
* Powerplant:
o 2 × Rolls-Royce Pegasus BE.53/2 turbofan, 68.95 kN (15,500 lbf) each
o 8 × Rolls-Royce RB162-4D Vertically mounted turbojet lift engines,19.57 kN (4,400 lbf) each

* Maximum speed: 730 km/h (452 mph)
* Cruise speed: 650 km/h (404 mph)
* Range: 1,800 km (1,120 mi) with maximum payload
* Service ceiling: 10,700 m (35,100 ft)
* Rate of climb: 19.2 m/s (3,780 ft/min) -using Pegasus engines only

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